President & Chief Geoscience Officer

President & Chief Geoscience Officer


Michael R. O'Donnell

PRincipal & Manager geosciences

Mike is an experienced oilman.  He drilled the first producer in a now million barrel oil field within 4 years of starting in the business. Originally trained as a petroleum geologist/geophysicist, his over 30 years of experience in the upstream oil and gas space have provided him exposure to, and knowledge of, all aspects of the business of petroleum. Before starting EarthBender Mike was Manager of Exploration for a small NYSE listed oil and gas company. Mike has recently begun to advocate for the better management of our dwindling water resources. He is pursuing several concepts that will potentially alleviate water stress, initially in specific areas of the US, and then potentially expanding well beyond the borders of the US. He holds a BS degree in Biology and Geology from the University of Rochester and an MS Degree in Geology from the University of Oklahoma. He completed the OU Energy Executive Management Program. Mike is an AAPG Certified Petroleum Geologist and a licensed Petroleum Geoscientist in the states of Texas and Wyoming.