
& Investment

in Shallow,

Conventional Oil

Augmented by

Investments in

New Water Supplies

and Infrastructure

will Provide

Strong Returns.

EBR Team



How we work

Earthbender’s (EBR’s) business plan focuses on profitability.

The objective of the business is two-fold. We explore for, drill and produce shallow, conventional, oil prospects. We also have recently begun a search for New Water Resources. In both businesses our goal is to partner with accredited investor pools to fully develop these opportunities. The wells in our oil & gas drilling inventory provide strong economic returns, and remain immensely profitable across a wide range of product price scenarios. Our water projects will likely rely on smaller product margins while working with significantly larger volumes of product.

Below is a map of the areas where we believe the majority of both our oil & gas prospects and our water prospects will be sourced.


Where we work

At Earthbender we are fortunate to have several prolific basins within a 6 hour drive of our Fort Worth headquarters. Our proximity to the areas we work allow us to maintain a great deal of hands on quality control for all of our operations. EBR concentrates our exploration efforts on the expansive shelf and platform regions (green areas on map below) adjacent to deep basin depocenters (yellow areas on map below).


What we look for

Regarding our oil & gas drilling portfolios, an ideal, per well success case production curve is presented below. This curve is modeled after West Texas vertical wells producing from, high porosity, high permeability reservoirs at approximately 6000 feet. Actual results will vary both above and below this type curve. This type well has an initial production of 100 Barrels of Oil Per Day which declines relatively steeply over the first 36 months and then remains on a gradual, steady decline for the remainder of the well life. This projection estimates a type well will produce near 95 thousand barrels of oil over the life of the well.

As for our water wells, we hope to develop reservoirs where by utilizing a submersible pump a single well can deliver 80 to 100 thousand gallons of water per day.


We strive to

develop & maintain

an extensive,

high quality portfolio

of O & G wells to drill.

While we work

tirelessly to initiate

our water

development program

EBR Team


Project Selection

In order for EarthBender Resource's to substantially grow our business we need to discover new resources, both oil & water. To do this, we need to drill successful wells!  Obviously, maintaining persistent, focused, attention to detail improves success. That attention to detail includes, compiling the very best, most complete, set of data available pertaining to all the previous wells drilled in the area. Studying existing well fields in the area helps us determine the most prospective zones, whether it be for oil or water. These detailed studies also reveal the most likely trapping mechanisms, and help us formulate a plan for development. EBR reviews all projects thoroughly to determine if all variables have been considered and fully analyzed. The EBR team adheres to the principle, "Know everything there is to know before you drill". Our accredited investor pool participants benefit from our attention to detail and have the potential to realize excellent returns through participation in our drilling programs.


Growth Through

Exploration &


Today EarthBender Resources, Inc. works toward drilling a minimum of 10 oil projects each year. These wells are in a ratio of 70% exploratory and 30% development. The discovery rate of exploratory wells in our highly selective programs is modeled at 35%. We anticipate completing 70% of our development wells. Consistently realizing these success parameters allows EarthBender to deliver close to a 45% average success rate across all drilling programs. With continued success we hope to grow our well count to 25 wells per year.

While the oil & gas segment of our business carries significant risk, we believe the risk in our water business will be minimal. Once again oil and water do mix! This combination of businesses will help balance our investment profile.



The EarthBender Team works tirelessly, by all means available, to maintain superb lines of communication. All field personal, contractors, suppliers, and marketers have critical information to the success of our businesses. The EBR Team believes strongly, that only by maintaining this high standard of communication can we deliver efficient, cost effective management of our investments.



Know everything

you need to know

before you invest

EBR Team