The Search For

New Water Sources

"The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it."

- Ray Kroc

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Investing in

New Water


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Getting a Hold on

the Magnitude

of Water Usage

and Infrastructure,

An Example:

CRMWD Customers

The Colorado River Municipal District (CRMWD) serves ten municipal, three industrial and seven mining customers and approximately 300 rural water users.

Getting Water To You

Collecting, pumping and delivering an average of 52 million gallons of quality water every day is no simple task. Not only does it require a complex network of infrastructure, but also the constant management, repairs and ongoing development of water resources necessary to keep quality water flowing. We rely upon 27 pump stations and 600 miles of pipeline to deliver water to West Texas communities.


Size and Scope

This region has a population of fewer than 1 million people, which is less than 3% of the population of Texas. To supply even this relatively small population the The Colorado River Municipal District (CRMWD) still manages 52 million gallons per day.


The Time is Now

to Invest

in Defining

and Developing

New Water
